
Chief of Staff, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade
Colonel Andrew V. Martinez

Col Martinez is a native of San Antonio, Texas. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in August of 1987. LCpl Martinez was assigned to 1st Battalion 5th Marine Regiment where he served as a mortarman subsequently deploying on the Unit Deployment Program (UDP) to Okinawa and participating in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. In the fall of 1991, Cpl Martinez transitioned to the Marine Corps Reserve and enrolled at the University of Texas San Antonio.

In 1994, Cpl Martinez was accepted on the Officer Candidate Course Program.  Graduating from UTSA in May of 1995, he departed for OCS in January of 1996. Commissioned a 2ndLt, he completed The Basic School and the US Army Field Artillery Officer Basic Course before being assigned to Battery “C” 1st Battalion 10th Marines in February of 1997.  He deployed with BLT 2/2 under the 22d MEU serving as a Forward Observer and Battalion Artillery Liaison Officer.  Serving the last 6 months of this tour as the Executive Officer Battery “C”, 1stLt Martinez transferred to Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Atlantic (EWTGLANT) in January 2000.  

In January 2003, upon completion of US Army Field Artillery Captain’s Career Course, Capt Martinez was assigned to 5th Battalion 10th Marines. He served as the Assistant Operation Officer, before being assigned as Commanding Officer Battery “T”.  In June 2003, Capt Martinez deployed Battery “T” UDP to Okinawa.

In June 2004, Captain Martinez served a brief time in the Division Fire Support Coordination before being reassigned to 2d Air Naval Gunfire Company (ANGLICO) as a Fire Control Team Leader. In March 2005, he deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) supporting multiple Army and Marine units in Karbala, Fallujah, Ramadi and Al Qaim.

In January 2006, completing his 2d ANGLICO tour as a Brigade Platoon Commander, Major Martinez was transferred to Expeditionary Warfare Training Pacific (EWTGPAC).  Serving as a Section Head, Major Martinez maintained responsibilities as a MAGTF Fires and JTAC Instructor, Division Operations Officer, and Course Manager.

In June 2008, Maj Martinez was transferred to 10th Marines and attached to 8th Marine Regiment as the Fires Officer. In January 2009 he deployed with Regimental Combat Team 8 to Iraq in support of OIF. In November 2009, he was assigned as the Executive Officer 2nd Battalion 10th Marines.  In January 2011, Maj Martinez deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduing Freedom as Director of the Joint Security Academy Southwest.

In December 2011, Maj Martinez was transferred to Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group (MCSCG).  He served as the Future Operations Officer, Liaison Team OIC, and Training Instructor Group OIC.  In August 2014, LtCol Martinez deployed to Iraq as an advisor at the Ministry of Defense supporting Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR).  

In July 2015, LtCol Martinez transferred to 2d Marine Division to assume the role as the Division Training Officer.  In December 2015, he deployed to Jordan as the Director of Operations Combined Joint Operations Center Jordan in support of OIR. LtCol Martinez served as the Commanding Officer 2d ANGLICO from July 2016 until June 2018. LtCol Martinez reported to Manpower and Reserve Affairs, MMEA-1 Retention Section Head on 18 July 2018.

LtCol Martinez was promoted to the rank of Colonel on June 7, 2019. Col Martinez graduated from the National War College on June 11, 2020, and was subsequently assigned to HQMC, PP&O as the Branch Head for International Affairs, Strategy and Plans Division. Col Martinez transferred to II MEF in June 2022. He served as the II MEF Fires and Effects Coordinator for a short period before checking into 2D MEB in October 2022 as the AC/S G3. In August 2024, Col Martinez assumed the MEB Chief of Staff billet.

Col Martinez is married to the former Holly Barton. They have one son Forbes Kohl.