Policy Letters


All existing guidance, orders, directives, and processes issued under the command of 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade remain in effect until cancelled, modified, or superseded by new guidance, orders, or directives.

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5100-22Safety Statement20220801Commanding General20220801_PL 5100-22_CG SAFETY STATEMENT.pdf
1752-22Sexual Assault Statement20220801Commanding General20220801_PL 1752-22_CG SEXUAL ASSAULT STATEMENT.pdf
1720-22Suicide Prevention Statement20220801Commanding General20220801_PL 1720-22_CG SUICIDE PREVENTION STATEMENT.pdf
5300-22Substance Abuse Statement20220801Commanding General20220801_PL 5300-22_CG SUBSTANCE ABUSE STATEMENT.pdf
1700-22Hazing and Prevention Statement20220801Commanding General20220801_PL 1700-22_CG HAZING PREVENTION STATEMENT.pdf